Cement production.


Cement production

Refractories for cement production

The product portfolio of Beck u. Kaltheuner includes high-alumina monolithic products with special properties, specially designed and developed for use in cement plants. Excellent resistance to mechanical and thermal stresses, very high resistance to chemical corrosion by alkalis, chlorides and sulfates and a short heating-up time for lowest possible down times and maximum efficiency are just a few quality features that characterize our products.

Cyclones play an important role in improving the heat efficiency as well as the kiln performance. Unshaped refractories in the cyclone zone have to withstand the frequent thermal shocks and chemical attacks.

The calcinator equally promotes the heat efficiency and allows a wider choice of combustibles (cost saving!). This zone is marked by a higher temperature level and stronger chemical stress, which can adversely affect the refractory lining. These conditions require the use of products with higher refractoriness and a very good thermal shock resistance.

Frequently dry-process kilns are used for refuse incineration and provide a source of low-cost energy. Likewise this application entails chemical stress for the refractories. The lining has to exhibit good resistance against abrasion and alkaline attacks.

burner zone with a well-engineered combustion significantly reduces the stress and wear of the refractory lining. However, suboptimal combustion engineering will lead to a reducing atmosphere which in turn will cause a strong deterioration of the refractory material.

The cooler or discharging zone is subject to high abrasion wear, thermal shocks and ribbon development. Steel nose ringscan be successfully repaired by means of refractory casting mixes.

Depending on the kiln hood design, a refractory casting mix might be easier to apply than refractory bricks. Chemical resistance and a low thermal conductivity are important properties for this application.

Although many of the aforementioned zones are usually protected by means of refractory bricks, dry-process cement kilns can be successfully lined with unshaped refractory products.

Contact us to find out more about the various possibilities for this application.

Construction and development

Cement is the most important raw material in the construction industry worldwide. More and more advanced and complex manufacturing methods also require special designed refractory solutions. The demand on the refractory materials are immense, this is why our BEKA construction & development specialists are constantly working on optimizations.


Our scope of responsibility includes product development, engineering, manufacturing, application and assembly and, of course, to serve our customers to full satisfaction.

Wo finden unsere Produkte Anwendung?

Preheating-Zone: Cyclone
Preheating-Zone: Calcinator
Preheating-Zone: Ascension Pipes
Preheating-Zone: Connecting Ducts
Kiln: Inlet Zone
Kiln: Combustion Chamber
Kiln: Cooler
Kiln: Nose Ring
Kiln: Kiln Hood
Cooler: Middle Zone
Cooler: Cold Zone
Cooler: Walls
Cooler: Roofs

Cool heads -
hot products.

Made in Plettenberg
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